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Tuesday evening & Wednesday cancellations May 29, 2024

Posted by ajoyfulpractice in Uncategorized.
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Many blessings to everyone and especially to anyone observing Eastertide; Counting the Omer, and/or working as a force of peace, freedom, and fulfillment (inside and outside).

During yesterday afternoon’s storms, I saw the most amazing and frightening flashes of light. I thought maybe it was lightening… or lighting striking something. Turns out, it might have been cables snapping.

At any rate, I am fortunate to be safe; have power; and have relatively little weather-related clean-up. Unfortunately, I do not have internet or enough cellular connectivity to host Zoom classes. I am working on sending out a recording email (for those on the Wednesday list). My apologies for the inconvenience.

Thankfully, I have a plan for Saturday and Sunday. I hope to “zee” you then.

### Be Safe. Be Well and Be Great. ###