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Empowerment & PRIDE (mostly the music) June 25, 2023

Posted by ajoyfulpractice in "Impossible" People, Healing Stories, Hope, Music, One Hoop.
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Happy Pride! Many blessings to everyone!!

“This is about empowerment. This is about all of us coming together and empowering anybody that’s under the sound of my voice, talking about this. This is about empowerment to each and everyone of you. Ok? That’s the energy I want in this moment. We’re doing this together. I’m teaching you and then we’re teaching ‘the children.’ Ok? We’re all ‘the children.’ Ok? Right. So, it’s about hope. It’s hopeful. And I know there’s not a lot to be hopeful about; so we’re counteracting that on purpose. Ok? That’s what this is about.”

– quoted from the official video for the song “Children” by Billy Porter

Please join me for a 65-minute virtual yoga practice on Zoom today (Sunday, June 25th) at 2:30 PM. Use the link from the “Class Schedules” calendar if you run into any problems checking into the class. You can request an audio recording of this practice via a comment below or by emailing myra (at) ajoyfulpractice.com.

Sunday’s playlist is available on YouTube and Spotify.

NOTE: The Spotify playlist includes an extra interlude track (since the message above is not part of the studio recording).

In the spirit of generosity (“dana”), the Zoom classes, recordings, and blog posts are freely given and freely received. If you are able to support these teachings, please do so as your heart moves you. (NOTE: You can donate even if you are “attending” a practice that is not designated as a “Common Ground Meditation Center” practice, or you can purchase class(es). Donations are tax deductible; class purchases are not necessarily deductible.)

### BE YOU! ###


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