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Time to Gear Up (a quick announcement about the new year)! December 11, 2023

Posted by ajoyfulpractice in 108 Sun Salutations, 7-Day Challenge, Fitness, Health, Hope, Meditation, Minneapolis, Minnesota, New Year, One Hoop, Surya Namaskar, Twin Cities, Yin Yoga, Yoga.
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Happy, Peaceful, Joyful Holidays, to all! 

It’s been a while; but, do you remember all the gear I put on to deal with winter in Minnesota? Well…


It’s Time to Gear Up for a New Year!

For a limited time only, I will be back in the Twin Cities. In-person practices (also available on Zoom) will be held at various locations Monday, January 1st until Sunday, January 7th — with an additional practice held only on Zoom on Wednesday, January 10th. Spaces are limited for the in-person practices!

Click here for more details and to reserve your spots now. Let’s start the 2024 together!

In the spirit of generosity (“dana”), the Zoom classes, recordings, and blog posts are freely given and freely received. If you are able to support these teachings, please do so as your heart moves you. (NOTE: You can donate even if you are “attending” a practice that is not designated as a “Common Ground Meditation Center” practice, or you can purchase class(es). Donations are tax deductible; class purchases are not necessarily deductible.)

### Let’s Go! ###