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Fannie’s Recipe Ingredients, second/third edition (mostly the music) March 23, 2024

Posted by ajoyfulpractice in "Impossible" People, Food, Life, Music, Yoga.
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“Ramadān Mubarak, Blessed Ramadān!” to anyone observing the holy month of Ramadān. Many blessings to all, and especially to those observing Lent or Great Lent throughout this “Season for Nonviolence” and during all other seasons!

“I certainly feel that the time is not far distant when a knowledge of the principles of diet will be an essential part of one’s education. Then mankind will eat to live, be able to do better mental and physical work and disease will be less frequent.”

— Fannie Farmer (b. 03/23/1857)

Please join me today (Saturday, March 23th) at 12:00 PM for a yoga practice on Zoom. You can use the link from the “Class Schedules” calendar if you run into any problems checking into the class. You can request an audio recording of this practice via a comment below or (for a slightly faster reply) you can email myra (at) ajoyfulpractice.com.

Saturday’s playlist is available on YouTube and Spotify. [Look for “03232022 Fannie’s Recipe Ingredients”]

NOTE: I updated/revised the playlists after the Noon class in 2022 and again today. I couldn’t find a single version of Bob Dylan’s “Catfish” to show up on my computer when I originally pulled it up the Spotify. Clearly, my computer had a baseball problem. The 1975 “outtake” is now in the before/after of each playlist.

In the spirit of generosity (“dana”), the Zoom classes, recordings, and blog posts are freely given and freely received. If you are able to support these teachings, please do so as your heart moves you. (NOTE: You can donate even if you are “attending” a practice that is not designated as a “Common Ground Meditation Center” practice, or you can purchase class(es). Donations are tax deductible; class purchases are not necessarily deductible.)

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